
월드스키 질문과답변

렌탈샵은? 어디? 엘리시안 강촌 NO1.렌탈샵의 특별한 서비스를 경험해보세요

I would like to inquire about the prices for ski equipment and lift ti…

페이지 정보

작성자 Morgan 댓글 1건 조회 216회 작성일 24-11-21 16:30


Could you please provide the prices for ski equipment and lift tickets separately? I plan to go skiing at Elysian around January 2025.
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월드스키님의 댓글

월드스키 작성일

Hello, this is World Ski.

We do not sell lift tickets separately, but you can rent equipment or use both lift tickets and equipment rentals.

The equipment rental fee is 10,000 won.

Weekdays in January
A 4-hour lift ticket + equipment rental fee is 51,500 won.
A 6-hour lift ticket + equipment rental fee is 57,500 won.
A 8-hour lift ticket + equipment rental fee is 63,500 won.

Weekends in January
A 4-hour lift ticket + equipment rental fee is 57,000 won.
A 6-hour lift ticket + equipment rental fee is 63,000 won.
A 8-hour lift ticket + equipment rental fee is 69,000 won.

If you need to rent clothing, you can rent tops and bottoms for 10,000 won each, and helmets and goggles can be rented for 5,000 won each.

If you only use the above without lodging or lessons, you can come and use it right away without making a reservation.

실시간 상담 및 퀵메뉴

  • 월드스키 고객센터

    033-263-0075 08~24시 상담가능

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    국민 - 안지환

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엘리시안 강촌 월드스키
상호 :엘리시안 강촌 렌탈샵 월드스키 / 대표자 : 안지환 / 주소 : 강원도 춘천시 남산면 서천리 34-3번지 / 사업자번호 : 809-08-01474 /
통신판매번호 : 2019-강원춘천-0588 / E-mail : gangchonski@naver.com / 전화번호 : 033-263-0075, 010-2611-8360
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